Is my spirit animal.
When I was told I had to pull my weight around here, I didn't realize that included everyone else's.
A ship is safe in harbor but you just had to be a risk taker, didn't you?
You wouldn't believe how little we spent on a poster to show how much you're worth.
Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, next time some place else, where they like to hire losers.
I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to be punished for saying it.
What optimists call objectivity when they don't like the message.
Play by the rules, get beat by those who don't.
If things don't improve soon, we may have to ask you to stop helping us.
My reality isn't getting any better, but my fantasies are improving all the time.
The power to get you excited about that which you know isn't real.
Inside every snowflake is a perfectly unique meltdown just waiting to happen.
You can't put a price on a good education, but you can spend a small fortune to acquire skills that might help you earn a fraction of it back before technology obsolesces your knowledge set.
On your own time. Here, you get paid to conform.